Introducing: Presets Galore
Presets Galore is my newest and most enjoyable website project by far. As I build the site up, I am allowing all products to be downloaded free of charge. All you have to do is “like” or “share” the product page of the presets that you want to download free, via the blue box. The download link will then appear. See the screenshot here:
In the future, after the grand opening of Presets Galore, every product will be free to download for only 24 hrs, for all subscribers to the newsletter. If you don’t want to sign up for the newsletter, you can still download new products free for the first 24 hours by liking or sharing the page.
You can sign up for the Presets Galore mailing list here:
Once 24 hours has passed, you can get an instant 30% discount on every product until August 31, 2013, by entering the following coupon code during the checkout process: grand opening
I hope you enjoy your free Lightroom presets as well as future Photoshop actions, brushes and curves!
Examples of photos processed with the Lightroom presets on Presets Galore:
Click on each image to view at full resolution

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