Free Photoshop Actions – My Personal Favorites
I just recently started using a lot of Photoshop actions. I’m working on a set to give out for free on Photoluminary and my brand new personal blog at the moment, but in the meantime, I want to share my absolute favorite free Photoshop actions as of late. Enjoy!
Here is the image I am going to demonstrate these actions with:

The first favorite can be downloaded here from DeviantArt: Vintage Effects Photoshop Action
This is actually a set of 5 actions. I ran my photo through each action and here are the results:

My next favorite can be downloaded here from Adobe: Smaragdify
Here is my result using this Photoshop action:

This next Photoshop action be be downloaded on DeviantArt here: Photoshop Rich Autumn Actions
Here are the beautiful results:

This final Photoshop action can be downloaded from here on DeviantArt: Old Black and White by Lydia-distracted
Here is the result from this great old black and white action:

There are like a gazillion free Photoshop actions available on sites like DeviantArt. However, in my experience most of them are pure crap for most images. There are some really amazing premium Photoshop actions available for sale as well. I haven’t purchased any myself, but I have seen some amazing examples of images processed with these actions.
Here is my example image after being run through one of the vintage actions, layered over the original and then manipulated further in Photoshop:

And yes… I’m aware that it’s technically Saturday at 1:53 AM. This is mostly a one woman blog and my life is crazy with my kids right now. “Never Give Up. Never Surrender.” Right?