It’s Taking a Long Time to Replace All These Images
This is something of an “unofficial” post but it felt like it was time to update the site. During the recent hacking/accidentally erasing my entire site debacle I lost damn near every single image in the site! That’s right, I flippin erased them while trying to get rid of the hack all by myself. Just use your backup you say? I’m an idiot. I hadn’t made one since February of 2011! I assumed all this time that my host was doing it for me. I have a lot to learn…the hard way.
Anyway, I’ve been pouring all of my available time into uploading each image back to its rightful post. In cases where the images are gone I have to make new ones. Sucks, but it’s definitely a labor of love. This is my virtual baby and I am currently it’s single parent. Perhaps someday I can afford that virtual assistant and a team of excellent writers. Actually, since I am so heavy into “thoughts become things” these days I will rephrase that. “I have a virtual assistant and a team of excellent writers”. Hahaha.
In honor of all the hackers, or should I say all of the people who have lots of skills that don’t actually count, I have compiled this image collection from Flickr.